Thursday, May 21, 2009

If I caught a cute guy eyeing me ...

It wouldn't be a thinking thing. I tend to smirk a little inside but I'm curious, too. Flattered? That's a funny notion ... no, don't remember ever feeling that, just by a look. And "if" is the big keyword – I've experienced many forms of relations with men but having "a boyfriend" would be really unconventional for me. So how would I react, to the guy whose eye I caught presumably, if I was already involved with someone? I don't see why an involvement would have to stop me from being cordial. Curiosity is never stoppable, if the eye-catching chemistry is mutual. Truth be told, I've experienced being in the young man's shoes – had the occasional damage control to navigate, post investigating a curiosity. My policy is always show up with the whole, real thing when a loved one is feeling a sense of temporary loss. Even if he, or she, is in the little girl's shoes, I know that jealousy isn't anything I should take personally. I mean, honestly, look at that scenario – girl, boy and much older love object. It sure doesn't look from the outside like what that girl is feeling inside. There's always another story within a story. I would just make sure to re-connect with what's real and fabulous about my loved one and about us.

So I do love to check out guys who have "the look" that gets me. Guess I don't always feel that there's anything to say beyond what looks say. Depends on lots of things. Sometimes saying something perfectly stupid is just about right. Anyways, I'm not sure why this ad got me going here but after ignoring it for a few days, I got up early to do this. I'm not inclined to jealousy, personally, and on occasion I can guffaw out loud with the cutest stranger. I'm not really all that shy. It just depends.

Lately, my hair is going through a major identity crisis. I'm letting it grow out longer than it's been for 15 years. I had to. Last summer, the way I cut my hair brought on more guys who gave me the look ... but after hearing "Flock of Seagulls" out of the mouths of babes ... I mean, these fellas tended to be young enough to be my kids. No kidding. Don't get me wrong, I do like the attention.

So this year it's time for something entirely different. But I'm stuck in this weird opposite of that old Hollywood flick, "Samson and Delilah." Only he got his hair cut and I'm freaking on the wildness of my sprout-top. Some days I feel only a hat will do. In short, I'm pretty mortified. Depending on the climate, I wake up sometimes looking like Albie Einstein, like my finger got stuck in a socket while I slept. In the Bay Area, I wake up to an unruly patch of cowlicks and curly what's its all over my head. I *am* in a state and I realise I'm probably blowing catching a few curious looks my way. It's very nice of you to say that you hope someone satisfies my curiosity. Maybe you aren't in the little girl's shoes too often? There's always a deeper story within a story.

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